Monday, August 11, 2008

Back to School Blast

This past weekend I attended a virtual seminar by Cindy Rushton's Talk-a-Latte. It was so worth my investment of time.
One of the workshops was about tearing down walls in our homeschools. I received so much encouragement and exhortation in my role as a mom during this and all of the workshops that were offered over the 2 days.
One thing that was a big reminder to me was that I need to be more of a student of each of my children. They are so worth studying, to find out what really makes them tick, what they love, how I can reach them through their interests, and what they struggle with. All this really takes some time.
Activities and tasks that need to be done each day can be such a distraction to really getting to know them. I want to do some changing in our home to improve the relationships that are so tender and dear to my heart.
Even though I do have great relationships with my children, I have been spurred on to know more. (Thanks, Cindy)

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